
We want your reviews!

We encourage everyone in the downriver area, and visitors to our community, to add HONEST reviews to all the places you have visited. We ask you to leave feedback about the quality of the food, the staff and service, as well as the overall dining experience. We discourage adding a bad review about a picture on the wall you didn’t like or the color of paint the restaurant used. These tend to be rather useless to patrons when deciding whether or not to visit a place.

Please leave your reviews directly on the listing page of each place you have visited.

We welcome positive feedback as well as honest constructive criticism and ask you to refrain from using vulgar language, inappropriate behavior, or leaving any racially insensitive comments. If you leave a negative review, the business will have an opportunity to respond to your review publicly and hopefully act upon your feedback and attempt to win back your approval.
If a business believes that a negative review was completely false or unfounded, please contact us and we will be happy to investigate and assist with the removal of the review.

Reviews and SEO rankings

Reviews are indeed a very powerful necessity for business and remain an important element on how Google ranks a company online. According to a report by MOZ, reviews are 1 of 7 factors that directly influence where and how a business will appear in Google’s local search results. The more reviews you get for your business and from various sources, the more influence you will have in Google.
Read this article by Search Engine Journal now to see what I’m talking about:

Improve Local Search Ranking With Online Reviews | SEJ

Online reviews and public customer feedback have a major impact on consumers’ purchase decisions. They happen to play an increasingly important role in local search, too. Looking to leverage reviews and feedback to drive your brand’s local search ranking and performance? Here are key insights and best practices to help you get started.

If your business is listed with us, it’s important for you to monitor your reviews so you can reply and engage with the person providing the feedback. If you’re too busy to monitor your reviews, we have a review management service which will monitor and respond to all your reviews from around the web. We’ll even help you gather new reviews every month. Let us handle this task for you. 


We want feedback from the downriver community.

Your reviews help us, help the business, and certainly help the entire downriver community stay informed about various places.  It’s a WIN WIN for everybody.
Keep in mind that Downriver Restaurants is not responsible for the action or inaction of any business based upon reviews left on our site. Further, although we screen all reviews, we cannot be held responsible to prove or disprove any authenticity for positive or fake reviews left by patrons.
If you wish to leave a review about this directory,, please add your review to our Google business page below: